Investments in agricultural land have recently gained particular public attention both in the international and national context. In Germany, the recent increase in sale and rental prices for agricultural land has often been linked to the activities of non-agricultural investors. The aim of this study is to take stock of these activities and to explore the relevance of non-agricultural and supra-regional investors. Further, it is aimed at investigating the impact of such activities on the land market, agricultural structures and regional development. Four regional case studies are carried out, three of them in the New Länder (former GDR). In each case study region, structured interviews were conducted with about ten farm managers and ten regional experts. Results show that the group of ‘non-agricultural investors’ is very heterogeneous and cannot be delimited by clear indicators. Thus, the core question about the relevance of their activities can only be answered with respect to the type of inves-tor. Judgements as regards their impact are highly dependent on the selection of regional case studies, the type of interviewees and their respective interests.