About GJAE – the German Journal of Agricultural Economics

GJAE – the German Journal of Agricultural Economics

The GJAE is a double blind peer reviewed scientific journal for articles in the field of agricultural and food economics and related disciplines.

As it targets both basic and applied research activities, the GJAE is interesting for academic scientists, teaching staff and scientifically interested staff of public authorities, business and industry.

As an Open Access Journal, the GJAE reaches an international readership.

Aims and Scope of the GJAE can be found here.

Publication Ethics of the GJAE can be found here.


The journals is included in Scopus, Science Citation Index Expanded, Current Contents Agriculture, Biology & Environmental Sciences, and Essential Science Indicators.

Since August 2014 the German Journal of Agricultural Economics (GJAE) is listed in the ‘Impact Factor List‘.

Opening up of the online-archive and digitalization of past issues of the former “Agrarwirtschaft” gives digital access to decades of research in the field of Agricultural Economics and Rural Economy.

GJAE appears quarterly. In addition special issues may be published on topical themes.


First published in 1952, the GJAE succeeds the German “Agrarwirtschaft”, upholding the tradition of this long-established journal.

Since Volume 2010, GJAE appears as an e-journal.

Until the end of 2023, the GJAE has been owned by Deutscher Fachverlag GmbH and then became the official journal of the Gesellschaft für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften des Landbaues e.V. (GEWISOLA).

The journal is hosted by TIB (Leibniz – Informations­zentrum Technik und Naturwissenschaften, Hannover) and ZBW.