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Volume 70 (2021), Number 3, 182-191

Public Preferences for Pasture Landscapes and the Role of Scale Heterogeneity

Henning Schaak, Oliver Mußhoff

Volume 70 (2021), Number 3, 192-207

Abating Ammonia Emissions through Slurry Acidification during Spreading: Farmers’ Willingness to Participate in a Support Scheme

Insa Thiermann, Gunnar Breustedt, Uwe Latacz-Lohmann

Volume 70 (2021), Number 2, 123-133

A Primer on p-Value Thresholds and α-Levels – Two Different Kettles of Fish

Norbert Hirschauer, Sven Grüner, Oliver Mußhoff, Claudia Becker

Volume 70 (2021), Number 2, 70-83

Development of Supply Curves for Biodiversity Offsets on Agricultural Land – a Case Study from the Stuttgart Region

Christian Sponagel, Hans Back, Elisabeth Angenendt, Enno Bahrs

Volume 70 (2021), Number 2, 84-100

Beyond Cost Minimisation: Farmers’ Perspectives on the Adoption of GM Fodder in Sweden

Klara Fischer, Sebastian Hess

Volume 70 (2021), Number 2, 134-137


Volume 70 (2021), Number 2, 101-122

Online Purchases of Plant Protection Products: A Discrete Choice Experiment with Agricultural Entrepreneurs in Germany

Michael Danne, Wilm Fecke, Oliver Mußhoff

Volume 70 (2021), Supplement, 47-67

Der Markt für Fleisch und Fleischprodukte

Josef Efken, Jakob Meemken

Volume 70 (2021), Supplement, 128-155

Der Markt für Zucker

Rainer Klepper

Volume 70 (2021), Supplement, 23-46

Der Markt für Milch und Milcherzeugnisse 2020

Clara Mehlhose, Tim Knöpfel, Bernhard Brümmer, Achim Spiller, Gesa Busch