DIREKTORIN UND PROF. DR. MARTINA BROCKMEIER Bundesforschungsanstalt für Landwirtschaft Bundesallee 50, 38116 Braunschweig Tel.: 05 31-596 53 01, Fax: 05 31-596 53 99 E-Mail: martina.brockmeier@fal.de
Die Europäische Agrarpolitik im Spannungsfeld von Osterweiterung und WTO-Verhandlungen
Published: 01.05.2001 Authors: Christian H.C.A. Henning, Thomas Glauben,,reas Wald
EU Enlargement and WTO Restrictions Shaping the CAP – A political economy analysis of the present and future CAP reform with special reference to Germany and France The paper presents a political economy analysis of the present and future CAP reform induced under different policy scenarios regarding future EU enlargement and future WTO agreements. Theoretically,…
Published: 08.04.2008 Authors: Martina Brockmeier, Janine Pelikan, Rainer Klepper
Over the last decades the EU Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) has been increasingly influenced by the WTO negotiations. The MacSharry-Reform and the Mid Term Review (MTR) reform of the CAP for example improved the conformity between the EU agricultural policy and the liberalization requirements on the international level. Currently, it is again discussed within the…