A model-based approach to moral hazard in food chains What contribution do principal-agent-models make to the understanding of food risks induced by opportunistic behaviour?
Published: 17.06.2004 Authors: Norbert Hirschauer
Food risks may be caused by moral hazard, i.e. by opportunistic behaviour of upstream sellers who exploit the fact that many food product qualities remain uncertain to downstream buyers in the course of conventional market transactions (credence qualities). Due to this lack of market transparency buyers run the risk to pay premium prices for inferior…
OECD’s work on agricultural policy: A bridge between research and government
Published: 30.11.2010 Authors: Carmel Cahill
The role of the OECD in linking the research and policy communities is described as well as the processes whereby OECD member countries scrutinize the work undertaken. A major project on decoupling of agricultural policy measures is used to illustrate the approaches and processes used. Attention is drawn to gaps in data or analysis, from…
Published: 21.11.2008 Authors: Martina Brockmeier, Werner Kleinhanss, Frank Offermann
In policy consultation, communicating model results to administration and policy makers has always proven to be a challenge for scientists. Many of the relevant preconditions for effective and successful policy advice are aggravated when results are based on the simultaneous use of a multitude of different models. This paper identifies key issues – e.g., relations…