Evaluierung der Erfolgsfaktoren des EFQM-Modells in der österreichischen Ernährungswirtschaft anhand des Analytischen Hierarchieprozesses

Oliver Meixner, Siegfried Pöchtrager, Rainer Haas

Published: 15.03.2004  〉 Jahrgang 53 (2004), Heft 3 (von 8)  〉 Resort: Articles 
Submitted: N. A.   〉 Feedback to authors after first review: N. A.   〉 Accepted: N. A.


Numerous companies in the Austrian food industry have already been certified in accordance with the ISO 9000 standards. However, the introduction of a quality management system in a company alone does not guarantee continuous improvement as required by the standard ÖNORM ISO 9001:2000. In order to be successful when introducing and maintaining a quality management system in a company, a number of important factors must be considered. These success factors are derived from the "European Foundation for Quality Management (EFQM) Model for Business Excellence". The purpose of the EFQM Model is to support the internal assessment of the quality management within a company, and it can be regarded as a motor for internal improvement. In particular, for companies planning to introduce a quality management system it is very useful since it tells them which factors have to be taken into account even before they introduce the system. Basically, the EFQM defines a specific weighting of the 9 success factors of the model. The aim of the study is to evaluate the pre-determined weighting of the EFQM success factors for the Austrian food industry.

Universität für Bodenkultur Wien,
Institut für Marketing & Innovation,
Department für Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften
Feistmantelstr. 4,
A-1180 Wien, Österreich
Tel.: +(43)-1-47 654-35 63, Fax: +(43)-1-47 654-35 62
e-mail: oliver.meixner@boku.ac.at
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