Die Einführung des Euro als Chance und Herausforderung für die landwirtschaftlichen Vermarktungsunternehmen
Published: 01.10.1999 Authors: Volker J. Petersen
The Introduction of the Euro – Opportunity and Challenge for Agricultural Marketing Enterprises After the introduction of the euro on January 1st, 1999 the EU agricultural market finally has it’s adequate monetary framework. In the context of further changes in agricultural policy, of innovations in information and communication technologies as well as of structural changes…
Informationsnetze als Herausforderung und Chance für die Agrarwirtschaft
Published: 01.03.1999 Authors: Jan Mark Pohlmann
Summary: Information networks as a challenge and as an opportunity for the agricultural business sector Like no other media, today the Internet influences the information and communication processes. With a world-wide standardisation of user surfaces on the World Wide Web, the Internet has started to contest existing organisation principles. This is no wonder since forms…