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DR. HOLGER D. THIELE Bundesforschungsanstalt für Ernährung und Lebensmittel (BfEL) Institut für Ökonomie der Ernährungswirtschaft Hermann-Weigmann-Strasse 1, 24103 Kiel Tel.: 04 31-609 22 86, Fax: 04 31-609 22 23 E-Mail: holger.thiele@bfel.d
(5) Based on estimated head numbers world bovine meat production is expected to show a slight dent in 2001 but any prognosis of developments in the world beef market crucially depends on the outcome of regional difficulties as e.g. animal diseases or economic crises. Following the detection of growing numbers of BSE-infected animals in several…
Agricultural Markets at The Turn of 2001/2002: (5) Meat MarketsInternational red meat markets were rarely more disturbed by animal diseases than in 2000/01. Western Europe and Latin America were directly hit and many other countries declared embargoes. In several EU member countries consumer demand for beef broke off at times by up to 70 per…