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PROF. DR. STEFAN TANGERMANN Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), Director for Trade and Agriculture 2, rue André-Pascal, 75775 Paris CEDEX 16, Frankreich Tel. : +(33)-1-45 24 95 00, Fax: +(33)-1-44 30 61 16 E-Mail: stefan.tangermann@oecd.org
Der Internationale Vertrag über pflanzengenetische Ressourcen für Ernährung und Landwirtschaft – ein Meilenstein zur Erleichterung der Pflanzenzüchtung?
Published: 20.02.2008 Authors: Karin Holm-Müller
Dieser Artikel ist nur in deutscher Sprache verfügbar. The article is only available in German language.
Published: 03.07.2007 Authors: Horst Gömann, Peter Kreins, Thomas Breuer
The amendment of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) in 2004 has established an attractive support of using renewable resources for energy production, which since then has fuelled a rapid expansion of the competitive cropping of energy maize. The regionalised agricultural sector model RAUMIS was applied to calculate expected energy maize production as well as…
Über die Rekonstruktion der Handlung "Einkaufen im Bioladen" – ein Beispiel für qualitative Sozialforschung nach der "Grounded Theory"
Published: 19.08.2005 Authors: Simone Helmle
This article presents a study about the symbolic significance of shopping in the organic store. The data are based on autobiographic reports and analyzed using grounded theory. The result is a concept with finding of identity and well-being as the main categories. According to these categories, hypotheses about the structures of personal values were proposed….